Michel Barbier, M.A.P.
Executive Officer

Michel_BarbierCollaboration is the key to our success

The list of our achievements over the past year is dizzying! The recipe for this success is based on an ingredient that's no secret at all: collaboration, on which we've focused more than ever this year. I can’t resist quoting the old adage: alone, you go faster, but together, you go further.

We have been strengthening collaboration at every level of the organization, and it has borne much fruit.

First of all, between the Board of Directors and the permanent staff, who have worked more closely than ever to achieve Genium360's mission. I speak from the heart as I recognize the end of Charles Jacob's term as Chairman and thank him for two years of close collaboration with the executive team, which has affected every aspect of the organization.

This was also the case between our organization and others who also work to promote the engineering community. These include the Association des ingénieurs municipaux du Québec, the Association des firmes de génie-conseil, the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec and the Ordre des ingénieurs forestiers du Québec, not to mention engineering student associations across the province.

I would be remiss if I did not mention our commercial benefits, dissemination and content partners, with whom we work hand in hand to offer you products and services that meet your needs. In this category, our exceptional partnership with The Personal, renewed for a further 12 years, is certainly an example of success, both in terms of the relationship of trust that exists between our two organizations and the quality of the services offered to members.

Finally, co-creation and collaborative work within our offices, both within our permanent staff and with the external collaborators who are stakeholders in our projects, have boosted our team's commitment. This obviously has a positive impact on the quality of activities and services offered to our members.

It gave us the impetus to launch new types of activities such as the private visit to Technopôle Angus and the Rencontres de génie conference report. This positive momentum has enabled us to continue improving our services by forging new agreements with local companies, and to carry out in-depth work on our website to create a more seamless online member experience.

As a sign we're on the right track, we've seen a marked increase in the use of our services. This vitality reflects the fact that we are not only connected, but together, active and committed to building a dynamic engineering community that is recognized by the society of which it is a pivotal part.

All this would have been impossible without your invaluable collaboration. You supported us in our successes, but also in our challenges. You've been there with us through the trials and errors of our new activities. That's one of Genium360's great strengths: to be able to count on the support of an engaged community that, faced with challenges big and small, is there to help us find solutions and move ahead.

Inspiration de génie