Genium360 launches its AGIR program to boost the social impact of the engineering community




Montréal, June 13, 2023


Genium360 created the AGIR (Action Génie Innovation Relève) program to strengthen collaboration with the innovation ecosystem and enhance its contribution to society by supporting initiatives in the engineering community.


With projected investments of more than $3 million over the next 10 years, this new program deploys resources unprecedented in the organization's history to fulfil its mission of supporting its members in realizing their full human potential and, by extension, leveraging their talents and skills to create solutions to the major issues of the day.


“By providing concrete support to the engineering community, we're making a direct contribution to building the Québec of tomorrow. For Genium360, this is the most exciting and meaningful way to invest in its members and community. Our engineers have extraordinary talents – and with the help of our various partners, we intend to help them express themselves to the fullest.”

Charles Jacob, Chairperson of the Genium360 Board of Directors


Through the AGIR program, Genium360 commits to stimulating innovative projects that make a difference both technologically and socially. This program takes the form of sponsorships, bursaries and donations, and targets promising initiatives by post-secondary institutions, foundations and associations.



The work is already well underway, with several partnerships already in place. In the coming years, Genium360 intends to pursue its networking efforts, maximizing their impact by gradually broadening the scope to include initiatives from the Québec innovation ecosystem.


“If we’re able to announce this program, it's largely thanks to the rigorous management of our finances over the years. Today, it enables us to make a long-term commitment to the engineering community and the innovation ecosystem in general. A number of partnership agreements are already in the pipeline, since it’s this collaboration with other major players in the field that will give rise to promising initiatives. And by forging links between constituent elements of our environment, Genium360 is doing exactly what it set out to do: connecting the world of engineering. The future looks promising.”

Michel Barbier, General Manager of Genium360

The AGIR Program in 3 Key Points


1.  The program is structured around 3 areas of intervention:

· Collaboration between players in the engineering community,

· Contributions to building a strong collective identity among engineering graduates,

· Distinction, by targeting innovative initiatives that have a direct impact on the community and on Québec society.

2.  Over the next 10 years, Genium360 plans to invest $3 million in the AGIR program.

3.  Agreements totalling more than $250,000 have already been or are in the process of being signed.



Genium360 invites representatives of organizations interested in the AGIR program to fill out our Call for Projects form!

The buzz on the AGIR program

“We know that the excessively complex problems facing us, such as the fight against climate change, will have to be tackled with the creativity, intelligence and rigour that engineers are known for. In the years to come, their social role will be decisive, and the young people we’re training are well aware of this. It is therefore with great pleasure that we welcome the launch of the AGIR program, which will provide significant support to our community.”

Jean Proulx, Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Université de Sherbrooke

“The new generation of engineers needs all the support it can get to invent a more sustainable, diversified and inclusive world. A program like Genium360's AGIR is essential to our mission of encouraging the next generation to choose a discipline like engineering, which has such a great impact on people's lives through the creation of new technologies, the construction of critical infrastructures, and the resolution of social and environmental problems.”

Fatou Pompilus-Touré, P.Eng. Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Fondation de l’Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec


Read the Donations and Sponsorships Policy for Genium360's AGIR program  |  Learn more about Genium360