Genium360 adheres to the principles of sound governance, and the members of its Board of Directors (BOD) work in synergy thanks to their complementary expertise.

They form a dynamic and organized team that contributes directly to Genium360's growth and sustainability by reinforcing its strategic orientations.


Watch these short videos (in French) to learn more about governance at Genium360

Qualities and Shortcomings


The Meetings


The Benefits


What is a term of office on the BOD?

  • Duration of mandate: 2 years, renewable twice (maximum of 6 years).
  • In office as of: end of November – at the Annual General Meeting.
  • Involvement: 6 board meetings and 4 to 5 committee meetings per year.
  • Each director is appointed to one of the 3 statutory committees: Governance Committee, Audit and Risk Management Committee, Human Resources and Compensation Committee

The Board in practice

  • New directors receive governance training to familiarize them with the by-laws, policies and operating rules of the Board.
  • An annual calendar of Board and committee meetings is prepared at the beginning of each year, enabling efficient planning of work, meetings and deadlines.
  • A Compensation is paid for preparation, attendance and participation at meetings.
  • Mileage, transportation and accommodation expenses are reimbursed based on an internal policy.
  • All administrative tasks are handled by the assistant corporate secretary, supported by the permanent staff, allowing the directors to focus their energy on the strategic aspect.


Nomination process

  • The nomination period is determined by the Bylaws and is the subject of a notice sent to all Genium360 voting members (Engineering graduates in Canada and members of the OIQ).
  • Interested members complete an application form.
  • The Elections Committee makes a selection from the eligible applications and conducts interviews to validate them.
  • The Elections Committee confirms candidates' selection one week before the start of voting.


Contact us by email at Pease, allow 48 hours for a reply.