Special General Meeting and 2024 Annual General Meeting

Genium360's Special General Meeting and latest Annual General Meeting of voting members was held on Thursday, November 28, 2024, and nearly 300 members participated online. Sincere thanks to everyone who took part!

> Read (in French) the Agenda of the Special General Meeting, the Agenda of the Annual General Meeting the 2023-2024 Annual Report.

> Meet the 2024-2025 Board of Directors.

Webinar | Quantum engineering and technology applications

Promises and realities

Each year, Genium360 offers a free webinar following its Annual General Meeting, and awards attending members a certificate of training credits.

This year's conference was on on quantum technologies. Quantum computers, qubits, diamonds, red light, temperatures as low as -273 degrees C°... These are just a few of the notions used in quantum physics, a discipline concerned with the behaviour of matter at the microscopic level.

Today, in Québec, many quantum players are rallying around DistriQ, the quantum innovation zone funded by the Québec government since February 2022 to the tune of $435 million.

Bringing together entrepreneurial, industrial and research activities, this zone aims to accelerate quantum innovations. But do real quantum technology applications already exist? And what role will engineering play?

Genium360’s panel of high-calibre guests representing various quantum players in Québec explore the promises and realities of quantum tech in 2024. It focuses on the concrete technological applications of quantum technology, and the role of engineering in the present and future of these applications.

Webinar sponsored by Desjardins and The Personal.

Learn more (in French)
> Quantum Technologies Special Report



Marie-Eve BoulangerProgram Manager, Digital and Quantum Innovation Platform


Webinar sponsors:


